
我们的名字!(Our Names!)

第一排(First Row):Teckyee, Keebing, Jiamin, Wanxuan, Diyana, Megan, Pehwen
第二排(Second Row):Junwei,JorTekh , Wenzhen,Jingxuan,MeeYee, Mildred, Shixuan, Kaiwen
第三排(Third Row):DeWei, Dingneng, Liangwei, Yubing, YongQing, XueHui, Mikayla, Pamela

2 条评论:

  1. 温馨的家庭!让你我一同起航,共创美好明天吧!加油,同学们!

    What a friendly "family"! Let's join our hands to build a promising future! Go!Go!Go!

  2. Ms Zhao:温馨的家庭!让你我一同起航,共创美好明天吧!加油,同学们!

    What a friendly "family"! Let's join our hands to build a promising future! Go!Go!Go!
